On December 7, 2007, Li Limin, the CEO of the VisionChina (Nasdaq: VISN) sounded the Nasdaq closing bell to celebrate the success of the company completed the initial public offering (IPO) in Nasdaq.
VisionChina founded in April 2005, operates the largest out-of-home advertising networks in China and even in the world. As of August, 2008, the company's extensive networks have had 17 cities trough exclusive agency or direct investment model, 9 cities through outreach agency model, consisting of over 110,000 digital TV displays. The networks deliver TV programs to 90,000,000 people each day and cover 300,000,000 people, using mobile digital television technology and supporting mobile receiving. The company uses the public buses, subways and light rails as the chief terminal platform, broadcasting the real-time news, stock quotes, weather, traffic updates, sports highlights and entertainment programs by the local TV station. The company brings the TV out-of-home, and makes it a reality for watching TV anywhere at any time.
Originally Posted: China Business Daily
Author: Angulo Fu
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